Category Archives: Feel-Good
Elizabeth Gilbert: My Creative Muse
I’m thrilled to be featured today in Creative Life, a website where artists can talk about (and share) their experiences in leading a creative life. My article titled “My Creative Muse Is from…New Jersey?” explores some of the motivation behind why I decided to launch Tweenior Moments and how Elizabeth Gilbert (author of the newly released Big Magic: Creative Living… Read more »
Reading Tweenior Moments Boosts IQ & Creativity (No, Really)

OK, maybe I oversold this one a bit. BUT, recent findings show that sarcasm boosts cognitive performance and creativity. And I’m going to ride on this study’s coattails at least for today. “Scientists now say that watching Modern Family will actually make you more creative and smarter,” began one of the segments on Good Morning America today. Keep talking, GMA…. Read more »